Give thanks and give back!
We are keeping our yearly tradition alive by once again holding our Thanksgiving Meal Box Drive! Our goal each year has been to put together entire thanksgiving meals, from a whole turkey to sides and even desserts. Through our client, family and friends donations we have been able to put together full meals, as well as many additional pantry items for each family.
Each year the number of families we have helped has grown and we hope to make this year even bigger than the last. Will you help us reach our goal of supporting 10+ families this year?
There are two ways you can join our efforts, either through a monetary donation or a donation of non-perishable food items.
We are looking for donations of the following items to complete our meals:
- -Canned veggies such as corn, green beans, carrots, yams
- -Gravy or gravy mix, cream of mushroom soup, chicken stock, marshmallows, cranberry sauce
- -Boxed stuffing and mashed potatoes, cornbread or rolls mix
- -Cooking Oil, sugar and spices
- -Pie filling or pie crust mix
As always, any monetary donations are used to supplement any items needed to complete the boxes. We will be delivering our boxes a few days before Thanksgiving and ask that all donations be received by 11/19/21.
If you have any questions or wish to set up a donation feel free to reach out to the team at 618-772-5990 or email us at
We look forward to making this another great Thanksgiving Meal Box Drive!